Next KDF Event: Sat 7th June 2025
We are delighted to announce that Kubiak Dementia Foundation is holding another event this Summer.
We are delighted to announce that Kubiak Dementia Foundation is holding another event this Summer.
We are delighted to announce that Kubiak Dementia Foundation is holding another event this Summer.
On a sunny Saturday in September, the Kubiak Dementia Foundation launched and hosted, a dementia-friendly, family-friendly, animal-friendly day out at the historic Georgian premises of Penny Brohn in Pill.
The Kubiak Dementia Foundation is go! The journey started with 40 lengths, 400 skips, 4 miles jogged with a belly full of Christmas turkey, and 14 miles hiked through the winter wind and rain. Or, at least, that’s how the journey to launching the Kubiak Dementia Foundation began.
Come along to our launch day and, in the beautiful gardens of Penny Brohn UK, take your pick from a great range of activities, all designed to support the lives of those touched by dementia.