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The Kubiak Dementia Foundation is go!

The journey started with 40 lengths, 400 skips, 4 miles jogged with a belly full of Christmas turkey, and 14 miles hiked through the winter wind and rain. Or, at least, that’s how the journey to launching the Kubiak Dementia Foundation began.

For most people, Christmas means overeating, overindulging and falling asleep in the comfiest/nearest armchair. For Victoria Kubiak, Christmas 2018 meant leaving behind the warmth of the log fire to complete the challenge she’d set herself: to raise enough funds to set up a foundation that would support both people with dementia and those who care for them… however hot and sweaty she might get doing it!

The night before Christmas started with 40 breathless lengths in the pool, the day itself saw the skipping rope come out for the first time in decades, and the legs that seized up on her Boxing day run had to get themselves around a 14 mile hike the very next day. And at the end of it all? The reward. A pot of gold, large enough to launch the open day. Thank you to all those who donated to make the event a reality.

So after all that, and after so many helpful chats with so many friends (and so many pots of tea that accompanied them), here we are. The Kubiak Dementia Foundation is go.

Expect visiting animals (from dogs to donkeys), expect to get active, expect food and fun and family and friends. And most of all, expect help and support from those who face the same challenges as you every day.

Here’s to the next step in the journey, we can’t wait for you to join us!